Mind, Body & Spirit

The Mind, Body & Spirit project aims to improve the health & wellbeing of carers aged 18+ living in Swansea

Body activities are those that improve carers’ physical health, such as Tai Chi, Walking and Yoga. Mind activities teach practical skills to enable carers to cope better includes courses such as Mindfulness & 3 Principles, while Spirit activities are group sessions that encourage creativity & self-discovery such as Singing, Drumming and Arts & Crafts.

We run regular mind, body and spirit courses and one-off taster sessions – contact us to find out more!

Why do we do it?

We appreciate that caring for someone can feel isolating & overwhelming at times, so our sessions are designed to give carers some time out to relax, be creative, learn new skills & meet new friends.

When does it happen?

To receive details of the current training programme and upcoming events, please sign up to our newsletter.

To find out more about the events and training or to book a place, please contact Ali Morrison or El Evans.



Tel: 01792 653344

Check FREE upcoming events here